december is here and I am doing a little things at home
made the first print in a3 size of a poster (it will be 50×70 cm) to recollect some of 2009 works
first christmas envelopes ready to be sent
added a small ikea frame to an old print (should make a box for the original one but…)

and – they ask me to send a couple of tiny books to chicago for a zine show :)
(they are soooo small…will people see them really?)


thank you for commenting about last posts
in the past it was very hard to find a good italian oil abroad, now they sell it all around the world and prices are not impossible
this is really a good thing :)

grazie – spero che il blog, oltre che un luogo dei sensi sia anche un luogo del senso, inteso come significato :-)
un saluto!

quando ti prende la fame puoi sempre ricorrere al mio stesso metodo – penso che da te il buon olio non manchi :-)

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