today, after a dark cold and rainy day, sun is back again
hope that in the middle italy weather will be nice too (I live in the upper north)
today is no-B-day and would like that people could freely protest in the sun
I feel always so sad when I see a popular demonstration under a hard rain

many famous intellectuals (pasolini, to tell one of the greatest) expressed in years their scepticism about public street demonstration
but for the first time after years I really would like to be there with people protesting

maybe some of you can’t understand why lately I am so  sensible to dark reflections /
italy is crossing a bad moment and many people are without work (lost mine too)
immigrants are not respected as it should be, and public state is gradually disappearing

for this and for more – hope this government will be over as soon as possible
(the video is in italian but images talk alone and this song of rino gaetano always glosses my eyes)


VIDEOCRAZIA TOTALE – un articolo di marco belpoliti su nazione indiana